
Winter Updates

Last October I was invited by members of Independent Jewish Voices Carleton to speak at the exhibition opening of Silenced by Scholasticide on behalf Faculty4Palestine’s Ottawa chapter. It was an honour to speak alongside Dr. Iyas Salim Abu-Hajiar, Dr. Nahla Abdo, and Dr. Chandni Desai at this profoundly moving event. Despite the sombre mood of collective mourning that this exhibition evokes, I made a point to remind attendees that art can do more than allowing us to bear witness to the atrocity—important in itself, but art can do much more! Indeed, the art of the oppressed can celebrate defiant joy and humour in the face of unspeakable violence and terror.

In late November I attended the Viral Interventions conference held at Vtape in Toronto.  I participated in a panel with Lesley Loksi Chan, Em Barton, Conal McStravic and Ken Morrison on working with HIV/AIDS activist/artist video archives. I presented my in-progress work researching queer Canadian HIV/AIDS and sex worker activist Danny Cockerline. I showed excerpts from Our Bodies Our Business, Hot & Safe, and Whore Culture as well as a short audio recording of Danny’s last known public appearance on a panel of sex worker activists at Toronto’s Harbourfront in early December of 1995. It was a pleasure to share this archival footage of Danny that I have been collecting as part of a larger researchproject for

I’m putting the final touches on my digital exhibition about Danny as part of the first cohort of OutHistory Fellows.  I’ve gathered archival photos, video footage, diary entries, and piles of activist ephemera from Danny’s time working with The Body Politic, the Canadian Organization for the Rights of Prostitutes, the Prostitutes Safe Sex Project, Maggie’s, and the Sex Workers’ Alliance of Toronto. The full text with images and video clips will be available this spring alongside the work of the other fellows. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone’s work and getting Danny’s life and work more concretely entered into the historical record of queer, HIV/AIDS, and sex worker social movements in Canada.

For the last four months I’ve been working with a small team of research assistants to locate and review all the sex worker-authored materials held in the Canadian Women’s Movement Archive, a unique collection within the Archives and Special Collections at the University of Ottawa. This work is central to my SSHRC Insight Development Grant that provides funding to develop an alternative finding aid for these materials spread across dozens of fonds within the CWMA.  Over the winter I’ll be finalizing the ethics protocol so that next summer I can interview some of the old pros whose materials are found within the CWMA—often to their complete surprise!

Lastly, just days ago I finished up what has been one of the busiest teaching semesters I’ve ever had.  With 150 students across three courses, this falls has been a lot to manage.  During the coming winter semester I’ll have a greatly reduced course load. Going down to a single course on Human Rights & Sexualities will make it so I can focus on research, writing, and helping my union prepare for bargaining a new collective agreement after the current one expires in the summer.


Fall Updates

Over the summer I learned that my SSHRC Insight Development Grant to conduct research in the Canadian Women’s Movement Archive at University of Ottawa was successful. The $70,000 will go to supporting research activities leading to the creation of an alternative finding aid that links together all of the materials authored by sex workers across various fonds within and linked to the CWMA. This two-year project is just beginning, so stay tuned for updates and events related to the project!

November 29th and 30th I will be participating in a conference that marks the culmination of John Greyson and Sarah Flicker’s Viral Interventions project. I will be speaking on a panel titled “Struggles: HIV, Video & the Archive” where I will present my research on queer sex worker and HIV/AIDS activist Danny Cockerline and screen short excerpts from recovered videos that date to the early 1990s. This panel will take place on the 29th of November from 10am – 1pm alongside a slue of other video artists and archivists in the screening room at Vtape.

This fall I am teaching three courses at Carleton University: Public Health & Human Rights, HIV/AIDS Film & Video, and Gender, Sexuality, & National Security. This winter I will also teach a brand new course titled Queer & Trans Youth. In addition to teaching at Carleton this academic year, I continue to serve as the Vice President Internal of CUPE 4600, the union for Teaching Assistants and Contract Faculty at the University. Our collective agreement expires in less than a year and we are gearing up for bargaining next summer.


Spring Updates

Toronto Living With AIDS Book CoverMy new book titled Toronto Living With AIDS was recently published through a collaboration between Vtape, Archive/Counter-Archive and PUBLIC Books). The book features an essays, transcripts of interview I conducted with surviving contributors to TLWA, and reflections penned by contemporary activists and artists looking back on the dozen or so tapes that made up the community cable television program. The book launch will take place at the Toronto Queer Film Festival’s annual symposium set to run from March 14-17, 2024.  I’ll be joined by TLWA contributors Kaspar Saxena, Ian Iqbal Rashid, and Darien Taylor for the TQFF event. A launch in Ottawa at DARC in collaboration with Qu’Art is also in the works for June 4th!

Book cover for Queer Data Studies edited by Patrick KeiltyAfter months of delays Queer Data Studies is finally out in print as of January 2024. It includes a chapter I wrote on data privacy and queer data practices titled “Generated Vulnerability: Male Sex Workers, Third-Party Platforms, & Data Security”.  It was written in the early days of COVID-19 and has taken years to come out, a long duration between writing and publication that is symptomatic of academic publishing unfortunately.  Anthology editor Patrick Keilty, artist/activist Sarah Mangle, and I have proposed a Queer Data roundtable to celebrate the publication of the book as part of the Sexuality Studies Association‘s annual gathering this June in Montreal. Stay tuned for more details.

I also recently learned that I was selected selected as one of six OutHistory Fellows for the inaugural year of the recently launched queer public history award. The OutHistory Fellowship Program is designed to support the presentation of high-quality LGBTQ+ historical exhibits online through the queer public history website My research project focuses on Danny Cockerline (1960-1995), an HIV+ sex workers’ rights activist, who remains largely unrecognized for his contributions to the sex workers’ rights movement and HIV/AIDS activism in Canada. The goal of my project is to honour Danny’s memory, reclaim his space within the historical record of the various social movements of which he was an integral member, and create entry points into the primary documents held in his personal papers at the ArQuives in Toronto. The project is tentatively titled Saint Danny: Toronto’s Patron Saint of Hustlers and Rent Boys. This online exhibit will be published on OutHistory in early 2025.

I’ll be teaching a Mini-Course titled “Intro to LGBTQ Studies” at Carleton late this Spring. Carleton’s Mini-Course program is a week long intensive for interested high school students to get a taste of what university courses are like. I’ll be giving students a crash course in the formal study of sexuality and gender diversity since none of them get any substantive (if any) content of this sort in their public school classrooms. Contrary to right-wing christian fundamentalists, none of the first year university students that I have ever taught had any formal education involving sexual and gender diversity. I am offering this course as part of Carleton’s Mini-Course program specifically to undermine the heterosexist nature of public secondary school education in Ontario.


Winter Updates

FAG QC exhibition announcementAfter many COVID-induced delays, my forthcoming book on the Toronto Living With AIDS community cable television program that ran in the early nineties is finally going to press. A collaboration between Archive/Counter-Archive, Vtape, and PUBLIC Books, this anthology of essays, interviews, activist reflections, and video stills will finally be available. I’m launching the book at the Toronto Queer Film Festival‘s 2024 Symposium in mid-March with a roundtable featuring original series contributors Kaspar Saxena, Darien Taylor, and more to be announced!

I made a small contribution to the FAG QC* exhibition that opened at the Archives Gaies du Quebec on December 10th. The AGQ invited forty researchers to select forty objects from the archives to exhibit as part of the organization’s fortieth anniversary. I selected a jacket from Le Club, the largest and most popular gay bar that operated in Vieux Hull throughout the eighties and early nineties. The jacket comes from the Walter Campbell Fonds, the former manager of Le Club and my downstairs neighbour whose materials I rescued and donated to the AGQ last year after he passed away.

Yasmin Nair and I are working on a few things to mark Against Equality‘s 15th anniversary and the 10th anniversary of our anthology Against Equality: Queer Revolution Not Mere Inclusion in 2024. We’ll be writing, reflecting, pod casting, and doing a few interviews so that we can take stock of the contributions that the collective made in its heyday and what remains in the aftermath of queer inclusion in marriage, military, and hate crime law.

In the background I’m also working on numerous things including my manuscript on Lizzie Borden’s 1986 film Working Girls for the Queer Film Classic book series on McGill-Queen’s University Press. I’ve also been keeping busy teaching “Intro to LGBT Studies” and “Public Health & Human Rights” this fall at Carleton University. Lastly, I’m meticulously revising a SSHRC Insight Development Grant titled Sex Worker Self-Authoring in the Canadian Women’s Movement Archive that I’m hoping to secure for the 2024-2026 academic years. Never a moment’s rest!


Spring Updates

Over the last seven months I have been on the bargaining team for part-time contract faculty at Carleton University as a member of CUPE 4600. We were fighting for a fair deal for contract faculty like myself who are paid the third worst pay rate in the province of Ontario. After negotiations came to an impasse over intellectual property, TA:student ratios, and salary the union flexed its might and went on strike for a week and a half. Once back at the bargaining table we won full rights to our IP and received an additional bump to the salary offer. We’ll leave the fight on TA:student ratios to the full time faculty union who have much greater leverage than us. I’m very proud of my work with the bargaining team and took heart in being on a picket line with fellow precariously employed contract faculty who make up nearly half of the faculty at Carleton (not to mention all of our TAs/RAs!). The corporate university is a nasty beast and the fight continues, but I am happy to celebrate the small victories.

The SSA’s Annual Conference is quickly approaching!  From May 29-31 I’ll be presiding over the last conference that will take place under my tenure as the association’s Chair and a member of its executive. It’s our first in-person conference in three years and I am excited to meet with and learn from my colleagues before passing the torch to incoming Chair Ricky Varghese. The keynote from Andil Gosine and award plenary organized by Gary Kinsman will be a real treat!

My work collaborating with Vtape as part of Archive/Counter-Archive is is coming to a conclusion.  We are soon to release a classroom guide for teachers interested in utilizing material from the community cable television program Toronto Living With AIDS (1990-91). The creation of the guide was spearheaded by Axelle Demus and Chloë Brushwood Rose. This fall, Vtape will also publish a chapbook on Toronto Living With AIDS that will including my essay on the series from JumpCut, transcripts of all the interviews I conducted with surviving contributors to the series, and short reflections on each tape written by contemporary artists and activists thinking about the legacy of the community cable television series. Keep an eye out for this in the fall!

I’ll spend the Summer hiding out at an off grid cabin so that I can finish my manuscript on Lizzie Borden’s 1986 film Working Girls for the queer film classics book series edited by Tom Waugh and Matthew Hays. It has been a long time coming, but COVID chaos has delayed this manuscript by a year and a half. I am looking forward to some peace and quiet so I can finish this off and get it out into the world. Stay tuned!



Winter Updates

I’m wrapping up my last semester as Chair of the Sexuality Studies Association where I’m busily working on co-organizing the last annual conference under my leadership.  The call for proposals is out and available, with a deadline of January 15, 2023.

This winter I will continue teaching on contract at Carleton where I’m scheduled to teach the second half of Intro to LGBT Studies to first year students and a course on sex work titled Sex for Sale to second and third year students. I’m excited to be back in the classroom and I have a great combination of guest speakers and archival field trips planned for this semester!

Emma McKenna and I have been invited to share the results of our study on sex workers’ tax filing habits and access to social safety nets in Ottawa-Gatineau at Carleton as part of an international roundtable: Sex Work and COVID-19 in Global Perspective. This online event will take place on zoom at 5pm EST on January 19th.

The article I’ve been working on for the past five years with my colleague Gary Lee Pelletier titled “Here, Queer, and Paranoid! On Acrid Sociality and Collaborating Otherwise” is now published in QED Journal (Vol 9 No 2). The article theorizes a particular form of  destructive queer sociality we name as “acrid sociality,” trying to figure out why queers treat each other so poorly in activist spaces.  This has been a long time coming, but we are happy that it is finally in print!

Lastly, I continue my work with the part-time faculty union at Carleton, CUPE 4600. In addition to sitting on the Executive Board as the Recording Secretary, I am also on the negotiating team fighting for an improved collective agreement and fair deal for part-time faculty. Carleton remains the third worst employer in Ontario in terms of wage competitiveness for part-time faculty and we are fighting to change that among other priorities this round of bargaining.


Fall Updates

In September I began teaching at Carleton as a sessional contract instructor for the third year. I’m teaching a first year LGBT Studies seminar and a human rights course on Gender, Sexuality, and National Security. I also continue to serve my part-time faculty union at Carleton by sitting on the Executive Board as well as the negotiating team fighting for an improved collective agreement and fair deal for part-time faculty. Carleton is the third worst employer in Ontario in terms of wage competitiveness for part-time faculty and we are fighting to change that among other priorities this round of bargaining.

In June I penned a short piece for a pride-focused issue of the online magazine maintained by Go Freddie. While they failed to publish it before or during pride, my piece titled “Sex Work & Remembering Queer Whoreganizers This Pride Season” made it to press by the end of July. It’s a personal reflection on how boring and awful (ie. commercial) pride is and how queers and sex workers who once had a lot in common politically no longer do. I wonder aloud what Danny Cockerline (1960-1995), a gay activist co-founder of the Canadian Organization for the Rights of Prostitutes, Maggie’s, and the Prostitutes Safe Sex Project would think of both commercialized defanged pride celebrations and the current state of sex worker activism in Canada. (image of Danny from Epicene ‘zine circa early 90s)

Looking forward, an article I’ve been working on for the past five years with my colleague Gary Lee Pelletier titled “Here, Queer, and Paranoid! On Acrid Sociality and Collaborating Otherwise” is in the final copyediting phase with QED Journal. The article theorizes a particular form of  destructive queer sociality we name as “acrid sociality”, trying to figure out why queers treat each other so poorly in activist spaces.  It should be out this winter!

Lastly, I’m entering my last two semesters as Chair of the Sexuality Studies Association where I’m busily working on professionalizing the association, co-organizing my last annual conference as the associations Chair that will take place in May 2023, and preparing to hand over the reins to my very capable colleagues!


Summer Updates

The Sexuality Studies Association‘s annual Conference was held virtually this year, with an eye towards finally returning to some form of in-person conferencing in the spring of 2023.  We had solid attendance at our keynote and plenary events, and our virtual asynchronous conference website was ablaze with comments and feedback on all papers. At the AGM we elected new board members and made a big step as an organization to officially incorporate. This will allow us to do some of the professionalization work the association greatly needs and I am happy to be leaving the association in better shape, with more sustainable structures in place, when I finish my tenure as Chair in May of 2023.

Just days ago I presented my research on “orphaned” HIV/AIDS tapes authored by gay men in the ’80s and ’90s who have since died at the Orphan Film Symposium hosted at Concordia University and organized by both Concordia and New York University. The symposium’s theme was on Counter-Archives, which was fitting as I was presenting on my research that came out of the “AIDS Activist Media” case study that is part of the Archive/Counter-Archive research project where I completed my postdoc. My talk was recorded and should be made available online in the near future.

Renowned Canadian artist collective General Idea is currently exhibiting a grand retrospective at National Gallery of Canada in Ottawa. As a primer for the uninitiated, I conducted a brief interview with AA Bronson of GI for Positive Side. The interview  titled “Art AIDS, & AA Bronson: Artist AA Bronson Talks to Ryan Conrad About Art and HIV” should be out in print and digital any day now.  The exhibition is open through November 20th, 2022.

This coming academic year I’ll be teaching a full 2/2 course load at Carleton: Intro to LGBTQ Studies (Fall/Winter); Sexuality, Gender, & Security (Fall); Sex for Sale (Winter). The courses span the Sexuality Studies, Women and Gender Studies, and Human Rights programs at Carleton, most of which fall under the Feminist Institute of Social Transformation where I am also currently an Adjunct Research Faculty member.

Otherwise I’m just writing, researching, preparing new syllabi, and editing video for the rest of the summer!


Spring Updates

My SSHRC postdoc in Cinema and Media Studies at York University has ended anti-climatically, where most of the archives I was to work in over the last two years remain shuttered. This Fall I officially became an Adjunct Professor in the Women’s and Gender Studies department at Carleton University. This institutional affiliation allows me to apply for research grants and provides some minimal institutional support, but it is an unpaid position. I’ll continue to work as a contract instructor at Carleton as well, teaching courses on a contract to contract basis while I continue my search for full-time employment.

The Sexuality Studies Association 2022 program will launch in May, but we already have two wonderful events lined up: a keynote lecture titled Grappling with Care: Femme Emotional Labour, Somatic Politics, and the Black Feminist Breathing Chorus by Dr. Ann Cvetkovich and a poetry plenary organized by Dr. Ricky Varghese. At this tenth annual conference participants from across the world will also present nearly fifty papers on the cutting edge of sexuality and gender diversity scholarship!

Dr. Emma McKenna and I have published our chapter “Lessons Learned, Lessons Shared: Doing Research in Collaboration with Sex Workers and Sex Worker Organizations” in the anthology Facilitating Community Research for Social Change: Case Studies in Qualitative, Arts-Based and Visual Research edited by Casey Burkholder, Funké Aladejebi, & Joshua Schwab-Cartasand. The book chapter chronicles the methodological questions that grappled with while doing a recent qualitative research project in collaboration with activists from POWER. A virtual book launch event hosted by the book’s editors is scheduled for April 18. A digital copy of the chapter will be available on my page in April for anyone interested.

I was asked to participate as a special guest for Maggie’s Book Club, a new project launched by Canada’s oldest/longest running sex worker advocacy project. I’ll be talking about my chapter in the Between Certain Death and a Possible Future: Queer Writing on Growing Up with the AIDS Crisis and my ongoing research on sex workers’ data privacy and security in aftermath of the raid on The virtual event on April 28th is open to current, former, and aspiring sex workers and the people who love them.

Lastly, I’m wrapping up my two courses for the Winter 2022 semester at Carleton, “Introduction to LGBTQ Studies” and “Social & Political Movements”. With any luck, I’ll be teaching them again for the next academic year, but nothing is guaranteed.  In the meantime I continue to organize with my union as a member of the Executive as we prepare for bargaining. Our collective agreement expires at the end of August and we are preparing for an all out fight with the employer who has for years underpaid and undervalued our work.


Winter Updates

The Sexuality Studies Association has released its 2022 Conference Call for Proposals!  This year we’ll be virtual once again with every intention of being back to in-person gatherings in 2023.  This year’s conference marks the associations 10th anniversary and we’ve confirmed Dr. Ann Cvetkovich as our keynote speaker. We’re very excited and looking forward to hearing how she’ll assess the state of sexuality studies as an interdisciplinary field within both Canada and North America more broadly.

While my colleague Emma McKenna and I continue to work on our formal write up based on our data from the COVID-19, Social Safety Nets, and Sex Work in the Capital study done in collaboration with POWER, we have written a short accessible summary of the study with some of the main findings: that most sex workers pay their annual income taxes; and that most sex workers have navigated social safety net programs successfully. Contrary to the anecdotal stories about sex workers being excluded from new programs like the CERB and EI in Canada during the pandemic, our data suggests this was a small minority of sex workers. Sex workers are smart, savvy, and far from helpless—as researchers and allies we should stop talking about them as if they are.

I was invited to write a short reflection on the current exhibition titled “Don’t Ask, Do Tell” on display at the Stonewall National Museum and Archive in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. The piece appears in the museum’s quarterly journal Archeion, edited by curator and writer Andy Johnson. My short piece turns a critical spotlight on the colonial framing of the exhibit and thinks through some of the absences in the collection from which the exhibition is drawn. Specifically, I ask where are the queer draft dodgers, counter recruitment activists, and AIDS activists that demanded “Money for AIDS, Not for War!” who are missing from the exhibition?

On World AIDS Day 2021, Yes! Magazine published an excerpt from my essay “Looking for Gaëtan” that appears in the new book Between Certain Death and a Possible Future: Queer Writing on Growing Up With the AIDS Crisis. The book was just published this past October and is already in its second printing.  Congratulations and much thanks to Mattilda who included my piece and did an excellent job corralling together a fantastic collection of writers.

Little Joe, the fiercest queer cinema magazine, has returned after a many year hiatus and has published “An Intergenerational Dialogue on HIV/AIDS Activist Video History,” that I co-authored with John Greyson. The interview was conducted just before COVID-19 became a global pandemic and touches on our mutual interest in revisiting the Toronto artist/activist scene of the late ’80s and early ’90s to think about what lessons can be drawn from this period of explosive AIDS video activism in Canada.

Lastly, a former Concordia sexuality studies student that I taught has interviewed me as part of her internship with sexologist Dr. Jess O’Reilly. As part of this internship, Maggie has been working on the podcast program Sex with Dr. Jess. Her interview with me is titled “Sexuality: Activism, Anarchism & Academia” and covers a lot of ground in 25 minutes. Give it a listen if you want to know more about me or how I got into the field of sexuality studies.